Severe Weather Policy
In the event short term, severe weather is experienced, i.e. thunder is heard, or lightning is sighted or detected by mechanical means, all pools and pool decks will be cleared immediately. Pools and decks will remain clear until at least 20 minutes after the last evidence of severe weather is experienced. The pools and decks will also be cleared any time sufficient rainfall is occurring to obscure the bottom of the pool resulting in an unsafe swimming environment, and will remain closed until such time as visual acuity for the bottom of the pool reaches a safe level.
In the event Splash in the Boro has to close due to inclement weather prior to 4:00 pm, guests will be issued a one time ‘rain check’ to re-enter the park within the current season.
If Splash in the Boro has to close due to inclement weather after 4:00 pm, no ‘rain check’ will be issued.
No Refunds will be given for either occurrence.
To check for the latest forecast please visit National Weather Service – Statesboro, Ga
For updates on inclement weather please visit our Facebook page for current information regarding delays and closures.